Monday, January 23, 2017


click on the following link and complete the pre-assessment

Image result for electricity


 Big Idea: Energy can be created in different ways.

                        a) Magnetic
b) Chemical
c) Pressure
d) Heat
e) Friction
f) Light


Exploring careers that relate to energy and electronics and of interest to you. Record your answers on a GD in your class folder, including the URL's that you used to find the data.

What is the job?
What specifically does that job entail on a daily basis?
What is the future forecast of that job? Trending higher or lower perhaps?
What makes this specific job interesting to you?
Is the job forecast specifc to the US or any states, or is it global?
What type of training do you need to have to perform this job?
Does this Job offer job training or would you need a college degree to enter the field?
What is the average salary or compensation package you would expect from this job?
In your research did you find this regional or fairly average across the market?

Us Department Of Labor
Career Opportunities

Friday, January 20, 2017

Principles of Engineering I


Please follow the link below.  Make a copy in your Principles of Engineering folder and answer the questions to the best of your ability

Wednesday, January 4, 2017


Focus PBGR's :                                                                                                           

1) Students will develop an understanding of the attributes of design.                      

 Learning Targets:
~The design process includes defining a problem, brainstorming, researching and
generating ideas, identifying criteria and specifying constraints, exploring possibilities,
selecting an approach, developing a design proposal, making a model or prototype,
testing and evaluating the design using specifications, refining the design, creating or
making it, and communicating processes and results.
~The design needs to be continually checked and critiqued, and the ideas of the design
must be redefined and improved.

2) Students will develop an understanding of engineering design.

Learning Targets:
   ~Established design principles are used to evaluate existing designs, to collect data, and to
   guide the design process.
 ~Engineering design is influenced by personal characteristics, such as creativity,
   resourcefulness, and the ability to visualize and think abstractly.
~A prototype is a working model used to test a design concept by making actual
  observations and necessary adjustments.
~The process of engineering design takes into account a number of factors.

Hovercraft Assignment

Directions:  Get into your assigned group for this project and read the Hovercraft Vehicle Design Brief bellow.  You and your partner are to sketch out designs for two complete Racing class hovercraft's and two complete Hauling class hovercraft's.  Use either graph or blank paper for your sketches.  Be sure to add notes that describe the parts and any other information that would be important for others to know about your designs.  You may use the internet for ideas to help get you started but you need to create original designs.


You and a partner will work together to design and build a hovercraft. Once you complete your prototype your engineering skills will be put to the test in two categories; Sport and Hauling classes. The Sport class test will be a race to see whose hovercraft can travel the given course in the shortest time possible. The Hauling class test will identify whose hovercraft has the greatest load carrying capacity. The vehicle that can carry the most weight the full length of the course will be declared the winner. The length of the track will be 8 feet. All crafts must be designed and built so that they meet the following criteria and constraints.

Design Criteria and Constraints

1. Craft size cannot exceed 7 inches in width and 11 inches in length. 2. The craft must be powered by the provided power source. 3. A maximum of 2 toy motors can be used and they must be the motors that are provided. 4. 3 blade propellers must be used to lift and propel the craft. 5. You must include lift and propulsion shrouds. 6. Vehicle must have an on/off switch wired to the motor to cut the power. 7. Any materials that are not available in class that are needed for your design must be provided byyour group.