Here we will work to Design, Create, Innovate & Invent new exciting designs and products through many different mediums, including additive and subtractive manufacturing, explore careers, explore robot construction, run CNC, Use Rapid Prototyping and lasers to fabricate parts  But first lets review the class and complete the pre-assessment.

1) Log into you H drive and create an Engineering folder, this is where your CAD files will be stored. 
2) Log into your Google drive, this is where your research and online docs will be housed. 
3) Answer the following questions.  

Define what Design and Technology means to you?

What are some  social implications Engineers must consider as they create new products on humans and the environment?

What influences/drives engineering concepts and innovations of product?

What are some of the Core Elements of Engineering design?

Describe how the development of products have altered the course of society.

Why is it important for Engineers/Designers to consider the downstream affects of the production of certain products?

Assignment: #2
Once you have completed the questions above, please follow the links below and complete the online assessment and the specific course pre-assessment.  Remember this is not a scored assessment.  Rather it is used as a starting place in which to determine your learning and connections you make throughout the semester.

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