
Space Transportation 

Air Transportation 

The study of the 4 modes of Transportation

Question....  How far do you think a plane can fly with no fuel and no stops?

Follow this link to an article about the solar impulse 2.
1)Read the article.
2) Make a Google Doc in your Transportation folder and pose two ideas that you thought were amazing/cool extraordinary, Then pose two questions you had about the article.


PBGR:  Technology and Society

Students will develop an understanding of the role technology played in society throughout history as well as the influence/effect technology currently plays culturally, socially and environmentally and how technologies can continually evolve to benefit society.

Students will develop an understanding of the cultural, social, economic, and political effects of technology.
Students will develop an understanding of the effects of technology on the environment.
Students will develop an understanding of the role of society in the development and use of technology.
Students will develop an understanding of the influence of technology on history.

Abilities for a Technological World
Students will develop the ability to intentionally apply the design process,
implementation of tools and machines to model, test, troubleshoot, observe,
investigate, and analyze the relationship between solutions and assess impacts
on all technological products and systems.

Students will develop the abilities to apply the design process.
Students will develop the abilities to use and maintain technological
products and systems.
Students will develop the abilities to assess the impact of products
and systems.

           Curriculum focus in these areas:Identifying the problem Generating solutions Selecting the best solution Prototyping Making Predictions/Testing solution.Analyzing results Making improvements to meet the goal

Please complete the pre-assessment on flight below.

1) Follow the link below to discover how a glider flies, the forces that act on it which enable it to       do so.
2) In order to design a successful glider it is imperative that you are able to principles of flight with the acting forces, Please create a working glossary of terms in your transportation folder and define each as they relate to flight according the discussion and reading.
  • Lift
  • Drag
  • Weight
  • Fluid
  • Bernoulli's Principle
  • Force's

Once you have defined your terms, take the challenge and build a paper glider.

Problem:  Make a glider that will create enough lift to fly for the longest amount of time.

Criteria: Use the defined glider design first.  Experiment with your own design next.

Project Procedure
1) Drawing upon your knowledge of flight principles, On a google doc, with your terms, create a chart and make a prediction on the flight times.  
2) Once you have make your prediction make three flight attempts, timing and recording each one Before you make any adjustment to your glider. 
3)  Record any necessary adjustment to your glider you feel will improve the glider/plane performance answering the following.

  1. What adjustments did you make to your glider?
  2. Why specifically led you to make the changes?
  3. What do you expect to see as a result of the change?
  4. What made your plane aerodynamic?
  5. How did flight patterns change with the different variables?
  6. Test again & Record your results.

Design & Build a Glider:  

Choose below image to understand the affect Aerodynamic Forces have on flight

Water Transportation

PBGR's taught and assessed.

 2.Technology and Society

Students will develop an understanding of the role technology played in society throughout history as well as the influence/effect technology currently plays culturally, socially and environmentally and how technologies can continually evolve to benefit society.

 3. Design and Application

Students will identify and develop an awareness of the attributes of design and engineering practices, the role of research and development, invention and innovation, and experimentation play in developing solutions to a problem.  

4. Abilities for a Technological World

Students will develop the ability to intentionally apply the design process, implementation of tools and machines to model, test, troubleshoot, observe, investigate, and analyze the relationship between solutions and assess impacts on all technological products and systems.

Design Brief

Assignment for 1-30-18


First: Please take the  Online Assessment.

Second:  Please continue the research you started on Monday.  Find more examples of the design you came up with.  Place the links on the same Google Doc where you answered the below questions.  Once you have done some research answer the below questions.
1) Based upon your research, is this product currently in production somewhere in the world.  If so explain what the cost or estimated cost of the product is or estimated to be.
2) Explain if this product is expected to have a positive or negative impact on society and the environment?
3)  What is the timeline of production?  How long has the idea been around?  How long did it take to come to market, (available to consumers) or when will it be?
4)  Does technology dictate production of the product?  Another words, can this product be produced with humans technology, or is the development of the product, waiting until technology has caught up to the idea?

Bellows Free Academy

“Invention or Innovation”

Does this Transportation Device Actually Exist?  
Assignment:  Take a moment to think about the question below before you answer it.  Copy the question and paste into your class Google Doc.  Take a moment to think some more....Then answer the question.  After, or during your answer, expand on your creation by making a sketch of your creation.   

Once you have finished with the question above, and drawing your device answer the questions below.

Is this an Innovation or an Invention of an existing transportation device.
How does this product help advance transportation?
Is this device helpful to the environment?
What are the implications both positive and negative of this device?

The year is now 2045, You have become a transportation
Engineer and have the ability to make a significant contribution
to the transportation sector of the world with unlimited access to
anything you need to develop your invention or innovation.   
Discuss what your contribution would be, how it would work,
why you made this choice and the effects on the world,
(society, environment).

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