Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Procedure for gear box period 2

There is a need to design a gear box that can be geared to both;
       1) Lift the most amount of weight.
       2) Lift a given amount of weight the fastest as compared to the other competitors

All materials are on the bench over by the sink.  I trust all of you to use what you know.  This list is reasonably complete.  That said, there will be areas where you have to adjust to make your project work.  Strive to solve your problems and develop a reasonable solution.  


1) Get your Gear box
2) Get your base if it is not already attached. 
4) There is a small box of pan head screws that you should use to attach the gearbox to the base.
5) First identify where you want your gearbox to sit on the base
             *remember that the gearbox must slightly hang over the edge so you can pull out the metal                   clip so the gear ratio's can be changed.
6) Drill a small pilot hole in the base for the screws, some people did this yesterday, they can show you.
7) Attach to the base.
8) Attach the battery clip to the motor.  You should solder this on.  (ALEX, would you please show people how to do this part)
9) Make a carrier cup for the payload.  use the clear cups string and paper clips.
10) Once you have the cup attach the string to the pulley by going over the barrel, then go from the inside face out through the hole and tie a knot on the outside of the pulley face. (if you need to slightly enlarge this hole go ahead, but do not make it too big)
11) Now attach the pulley on the rod to the gear box.  This is a very tight fit.  That is okay, do not enlarge the hole.  You can flip the gear box over an place the rod on the bench and lightly top the pulley onto the rod using the orange hammer.
12) Now design your test.

1) Identify the gear ratio you have in the gear box
2) Identify the amount of weight you will be picking up.  Use the digital scale to measure this.
3) Record the information
4) Time your test. 

(We used the geared box set from Kelvin for this)