Thursday, September 27, 2018

Principles of Engineering II 9/28 assignments

9-28-18 sub plans        


Principles of Engineering II 9-28-18 assignment

Good Morning.  As we discussed in class yesterday you will be continuing to work on our hydroponics project.  Each of you should be working on whichever area you decided best fit your interests.  Please remember today must be used for:

  • Deciding on where the structure should go
  • Gathering a list of material vendors
  • Gathering a list of plant suppliers
  • Finalizing the system design
  • Continue research of the needed components based upon the design
  • Begin a sketch drawing with dimensions and labeled parts. i.e. elbow, pump, hose, pipe...etc. 
Please make certain you all contribute to updating the class document.

Thanks and have a great day and weekend!  