Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Additive & Subtractive Manufacturing Technologies

Product Case project
Image result for stratasys printer      Laser information

Follow the link to the project so you can explore the problem of creating a product case.


1) Create a document for the project where you should first; identify the problem statement.  Articulate what you see as the problem.  Be concise and avoid including the parameters in the problem statement.

Create some 2-3 basic sketch ideas before you do your "Research"
Think about it this way.  If  your just going on to google to 
find something someone else made, what are you learning? 
 from my perspective.  Nothing.  Create you ideas and refine
 your ideas based upon your research. 

2)Think of a design you would like, can be almost anything think, just think about it then do your best to ketch it out.  Once you have your sketches which should include a few views which should include some of the information that a 3 view, top, front and RT side, as well as an isometric would include.