Wednesday, January 31, 2024


How Mother Nature Has Influenced


ways engineers have been inspired by design..

The Innovators Using Nature's Design Principles to Create Green Tech

Examples of Biomimicry design 

                                            Using Mother Natures Genius in Architecture 


Biomemetric materials 


Key Questions to consider before you begin your design.

  1. Do shapes influence design?

  2. Do Animals/environment  influence engineering /design?  

  3. Does animals adaptation influence design concepts?

  4. Think about what type of things could improve peoples lives

Application steps.

1) Think about answers to the questions above on your own

2) Find animal influences or something specific in mother nature

that influences you to INVENT or INNOVATE the design of a product


     FTWE (feathers, teeth, wings, eyes) 

Design your product...Concept must come directly from the above...Color changing chameleon.  Octopus rope...Does not have to work but has to have the conception of how something specific can be applied for a new product.

Used clay, straws, glue guns...very simple stuff 3 class periods to design/build/present 

Standards to be addressed

PBGR 1: The Nature of Technology

Students will identify and demonstrate the interrelationships between technologies and other fields, working to become technologically literate and adaptable in all situations.

PBGR 2:Technology and Society

Students will develop an understanding of the role technology played in

society throughout history as well as the influence/effect technology currently

plays culturally, socially and environmentally and how technologies can continually

evolve to benefit society.