Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Down Stream Effects

Plastic In Our Oceans 

Bill Schubat VPR about plastic in the oceans

video on the garbage in the oceans. 

                                   Do You contribute to Ocean Pollution? Let's find out! 

Boyan Slat 

video on his new design of his system that was deployed off the coast of CA

Interceptor 007 faces rain event in LA 

Interceptor 006 Guatemala

               First Product Created of Plastic from the Great Pacific Garbage Patch 


As we discuss the realizations, Engineers and Scientists may have not considered the impacts and  Downstream affects of critical decisions, consider the actions which have led to the extreme pollution across the world, answer the following questions.  
Post your answers in the comment section to below questions. 

In your observations of the videos identify obstacles which would hold back or hinder the collection process of the ocean clean up and the interceptors 

Take a stance on whether these types of collection devices are serving the symptom or the cause in the fight against pollution and environmental inequality for some across the world? 

Monday, September 9, 2024

History of Technology


The History of Technology has been evolving ever since humans have walked the earth. Let's explore some of the key areas that have changed human life for the better. 

Technology of the future