Tuesday, January 12, 2021

Work Power & Gears


 Follow this link and begin to create an understanding on gears.  Each subsequent heading relates directly to this entire project.  Each heading is linkable with the bullets below representing the main topics discussed.


Please follow the links below and explore gearing, compound machines, gear ratio and work/power concepts.  Each link will bring you through a short activity guiding you towards mastering each concept.

Work VS. Power 

  • Work Vs. Power what does this mean? 
  •   How to calculate (W)ork
  • How to calculate (P)ower
  •  Calculating power in rotational mechanisms 

 Simple Machines ---A Review 

  • A review of the simple machines

  Gear Nomenclature

This will give you a background of gears. complete each activity

 What is Torque

  •    What is torque?      
  • How to calculate torque?
  • Calculating for Horsepower RPM and torque.

Gear Ratio Concepts

  • Focus on the relationship of Input and out put gears.
  • Relationships of distances traveled for input and output gears.
  • Ratio vs. Circumference
  • Number of rotations. 

       More on Gear Ratios

  •       Review Input (Driver)
  •        Review Output (follower)
  •        Classroom lesson activity                             
  •      Use this LINK for the site then follow the activity by clicking on gears on the Left hand side. 

     Calculating Outputs  HP, RPM...

    • This is not for the faint hearted.  This is the real deal.  If you want to gain a understanding
    • Calculating for Horsepower RPM and torque
    • Feet, lbs and RPM’s





    1.    . Complete each assignment listed above.  Although you are not handing these in you are responsible for demonstrating your mastery of each component
    2.      Complete Simple Machines a Review.  Read this material and follow each link at the bottom for each   activity.
    4.       Once you have read this document complete Speed and Gears Worksheet.  


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