Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Did you Know.....? Wouldn't it be cool if?


Did You Know....?  You are not competing against whom you think you....

  I ask you to "do this", you say "why?"
                                        I say "why not.."
                                                 You say "but how" do I 
                                                                  I say that's a " good question, now get started!"
                                               Wouldn't it be cool if you had a pet Elephant.                   

Let's look at the potential of harnessing the creativity, knowledge we developed for different applications....

Now that you have watched these videos post a comment below in the comment section.   

Research inventions over the last 100 years that have changed human life in a positive way, you have 10 minutes to research and 5 minutes to do a share out across the class .

1) Now that you have some background on types of inventions that have changed the world, enter the comment around what YOU would invent, innovate or change to make a measurable difference in someones life.    

Please start your comment like this:  
"If I could I would.....create a seeds for crops that are accessible to everyone and do not need water to grow. ....." 


  1. I would like to help design a system that could make cars fly, they would be a little lighter and they would be faster than the normal car but sadly they might cost more because of the hyper advanced technology used in the design.

  2. If I could I would create a flash drive that could connect to any device through bluetooth and could connect to different camera SD cards through bluetooth also. First SD will have to be programmed with bluetooth.

  3. If I could I would invent a pair of glasses and/or headphones that allow you to understand what a person is saying. Specifically someone that speaks another language. It'd be a translator but you'd always have easy access to it and it would allow you to have a mutual conversation with the person where you both understand each other.

  4. If I could I would create glasses that can scan documents and search the web for answers and then project the answers so that only the person who is wearing the glasses can see the answers.

  5. If I could I would invent a drill that was activated automatic to drill in the spots I want so people that could not get around easy could have an easier time in construction. It would be big and it would have sensors to tell if the screw is far enough in and what type of material is on the building. With the machine telling what type of wall it is it would recommend what type of screws to use on the wall.

  6. If I could I would make solar panels smaller and more affordable for people to help slow down climate change.

  7. I think it would be cool if I could make a clone of something that would be indestructible.

  8. If I could I would make a device that could record people's dreams so that they could watch them in the morning.
