Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Design Evaluation and Simulation

HI everyone.  I am adding to this great opportunity you have as your learning solidworks.  Today I would like you to expand on Simulations and motion studies.  Therefor these are the steps you need to take to do this...

                                                    Very Important To Do This Step
1)  Open up Solidworks and choose tutorials out of the right hand side plane.  If it is not visible click on the little house in the same area then on the cap that says tutorial. 

2) Now choose this - Design Evaluation and Simulation

3) Next choose what the red arrow is pointing to: Go to Solidworks simulation tutorials

4) Next Pick Motion along a path...

                               READ STEP 5 Carefully

         5) In the picture to the right it shows you to   To select Tools >Add-Ins                                       Hover over the Solidworks logo at the top of the page and move                                     towards the arrow just to the right an the fly out will open up..then select tools>add-ins                                      
If you miss this step nothing will work from here out.

 6) It will look like the picture below.
check mark the radio button circled in red.

7) Proceed following the tutorial.  Read a few steps ahead of  the one you are actually on, before you take action on that specific one.

8) You will be asked to change the motor and the linear spring values, the tutorial refers to these being in the property manager which is shown her on the left side of the screen.  Record the data the plots represent for each study, using the snipping too and paste them into a google doc, I will take a look at later..

Another option to consider in Solidworks.  Creating threads in Solidworks. 

If you finish this study you may pick another study under Design Evaluation and simulation.  or work on your other project if is not finished

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