Sunday, January 30, 2022

DESIGN THINKING CONTINUES Creativity, Inventions & Developing Innovations

Image result for future inventions 2100
How will you live in 2100

Listen to the podcast below, then complete the questions and next assignment

Pod Cast Questions

5 Incredible Inventions ~ Google
Why do this?


1) What is the first thing that comes to mind when you read the below quote?
“We can't solve problems by using the same 
           kind of thinking we used when we created them.”
2) (Post a comment with your answer, in the comment section, make sure your logged into your email               before you do this)




Take some time to think some more. Your task is to come up with an example of a specific global problem/situation/social ill this type of design thinking would allow you to create a solvable solution to.

It is very important to not let the lack of technology control you thought process or solution to the problem.   You may choose an approach/solution which current technology does not currently support but most certainly could in the future.

Take a moment to consider the down stream affects of your solution could affect generations to come.

If you followed this approach what areas do you think you could consider improvements?  Consider the resources needed to produce technological products.

Take a look at this article below.
Will flexible Electronics change our lives?

Professor Dahiya and his team are targeting the use of implantable devices and synthetic skin for prosthetics in their new research. (Image courtesy of the University of Glasgow.)
Solar Roadways: Let's Do the Math


Read this article about a futuristic road it's a cool article that really begins to outline the parameters around practical engineering practices.    Then take a look at the one about Tesla's new shingles below.   Then move into Augmented reality after that.   

If none of these articles strike your fancy find something that does, read it and share it out later.   

Ségolène Royal, Minister of Environment, Energy and Sea, inaugurates the Solar Roadway.  Image courtesy of Department of Environment, Energy and Sea (France)

Check out Tesla's new shingles
tesla solar roof shingles


The story behind Augmented reality

PTC explodes into augmented reality with its ThingEvent event in Boston, as Jim Heppelmann, CEO, explains their next big thing.

Augmented Reality revisited

Follow the two links below to explore how Augmented reality is working it's way into your life...

Augmented Reality On the Battle Field                                    

A Marine tests out a Microsoft HoloLens in North Carolina during “Spartan Week,” a week-long training event during which new technologies are tested out in simulations and battle games. (Image courtesy of the ONR.)

Can We Build AI without loosing control over it?

Choose two videos to watch on this site.  Summarize the main points of the video, including examples the speaker sites that will be affected.


Scanning probe microscopy image of graphene. (Image courtesy of U.S. Army Materiel Command/Wikimedia Commons.)
4D Printing on The Nanoscale

4D Printing on the Nanoscale

Composite enhancing nano barrier could change the face of space craft construction.
NASA’s Orion spacecraft features advanced composite materials. A new nano-barrier could increase the use of composites, which are more lightweight and heat resistant than other materials, for future spacecraft. (Image courtesy of NASA.)
Read the article 


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  3. The first thing that comes to mind when I read this quote is about climate change. We can't be using coal and oil and burning them to create things that will possibly help our environment.

  4. People can't solve a problem by looking at it from the same way that problem was created. In order to fix something, you need to look at it from a different perspective and think outside of the box.

  5. A problem is climate change and how much pollution we are putting our world through. The way to solve this is to get together with a lot of others and spend time thinking through ideas and how they would work and if they would be within price and helpful tot he environment. Technology really supports almost everything. And if it doesn't there is a little bit of technology in everything even if we don't think there is. If a solution to climate change cam along then our future generations would really benefit because they would have a clean earth to live on. The problem with trying to create things to solve these issues is cost. because everything that we think of for a solutions needs very advanced technology. And that costs a lot of money.
    Assignment 2
    To be honest I don't think that we can build it. Knowing our society we would put way too much technology into it and it would know way too much. Also we would put so much into it that we wouldn't know how to shut it down or get rid of it. Because we were too in the moment and wanted it to be the best it could be.

  6. What comes to mind is the engineering design process. Throughout the process, there will be problems that arise, and the product may not operate properly. This will require the engineers to take a step back, examine the problem and the thought process that lead them to this point, and create a solution. This is an ongoing process, and it creates a loop of creativity and innovation, because every problem requires a different solution.

  7. What comes to mind when reading the quote is that modern problems are problems because we created them. So we must think around how to solve the problems using different solutions than we would normally think to use.

  8. The Quote: the first thing that comes to mind is that fact that it's true. This is because in order to solve problems, you need to come up with an idea that hasn't been done before, because if they were done before, then there wouldn't be a problem in the first place.

  9. When trying to solve a problem you can’t think the same you did to create the problem, or you just recreate the problem over and over, whether it's the same problem later on, or a different one as a result of it.

  10. “We can't solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them.” The first thing that comes to my mind is that creating problems and solving problems using the same way over and over again leads to no progress. it is basically "think outside the box."

  11. Quote: “We can't solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them.” What I think this means is that if your in the same mindset when you created a problem, you wont be able to find a solution unless you switch up you way of viewing it.
    -Dylan K.

  12. “We can't solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them.” Einstein
    The first thing I think of after this quote is the idea that working with other's on a project gets their point of view on your concepts. Its very valuable getting a second opinion on any project so when Einstein talked about how you would need another angle to solve a problem, maybe he was referring to asking others for help?

    Assignment 2:

    One specific global problem that has plauged much of the modern world is obesiety and of course there's dieting and doctors recommend this and that but to the average person, fitting all the complication into their lives seems impossible and the effort they put in doesn't get rewarded. In the future what I can see happening is the widespread of Augmented Reality contacts or glasses where we can get a heads up display on food and objects to see what they are made of and whether they are healthy or not to eat. The solution I can see to this problem is having the ability to have this HUD tell its user what they should and shouldn't eat to lose weight which would be really convenient and helpful to those who wish to lose weight. Maybe there would be some issues with having a screen right in front of your eyes 24/7 so maybe having this be so widespread could possibly be a bad idea worsening people's eyesight and increasing the risk of distraction while people are doing important tasks like driving or at work.
